Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Founder of Islamic TV station accused of beheading wife

What was this dude thinking?!?


NEW YORK (CNN) -- The founder of an Islamic television station in upstate New York aimed at countering Muslim stereotypes has confessed to beheading his wife, authorities said.

Muzzammil Hassan was charged with second-degree murder after police found the decapitated body of his wife, Aasiya Hassan, at the Bridges TV station in the Buffalo suburb of Orchard Park, said Andrew Benz, Orchard Park's police chief. Hassan was arrested Thursday.

(Full Article)

Somehow this just doesn't seem to be an exemplary way to dispel Muslim stereotypes. Really, are the teachings of this religion so deep, the psychological damage so thorough, that this supposed pillar of the community, explicitly trying to counter stereotypes, could not control himself even to the extent of not brutally killing his wife? What lesson does this teach the public about Muslim ways?